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General Hardware Requirements The hardware requirements may vary depending on the amount of recipients you upload for testing, your campaign type and also how you run the campaign. If you use the scheduler to send the emails over a longer time frame, you need less performant hardware compared to the campaign, where you send all emails at once.

Usually, 8 GB RAM and 4 Core CPU are sufficient to support up to 2000 recipients within a campaign. To run larger campaigns (up to 50'000 users) you will need at least 16 GB RAM and 8 Core CPU. Please make sure you have at least 100 GB of Harddisk allocated for LUCY for the basic installation. As there are many video, awareness and attack templates that may be downloaded after the initial installation, the recommended Harddisk size is > 300 GB.

LUCY has a built-in performance testing tool which can help you fine-tune your hardware settings and find the appropriate hardware for your campaign. The monitoring tool also gives you a real-time view of the current system performance. If you run a VPS hosted with us, we can dynamically increase the CPU/RAM according to your needs.

Supported Amazon Instances More info about installing LUCY within AMAZON can be found here.

hardware.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/20 18:22 by editor6