LUCY comes with two fully customizable interactive E-Learning templates:
In most cases you find a readme.html within each templates. The readme contains tips on how to customize the template:
Here are a few examples that contain a small selection of templates and their editing options. If you need help in editing them, please contact
The quiz has different areas that can be enabled or disabled. Here is a preview of the eLearning template.
The quiz section has 21 predefined phishing mails that can be individually enabled/disabled and customized using the QUIZ editor:
The editor allows you to customize the mails without dealing with the html source code. You can define:
All other elements (like images, text etc) from the main page can be edited in the same way as all other templates.
All settings can also be altered in the source code directly in case you don't want to use the visual editor:
Some hint text
Some solution text
The interactive awareness content is currently translated into 10 languages.
In the quiz the user will be presented different mails and web sites over five rounds. They will contain highlighted items. We ask the user to study the content carefully. When the user hovers over highlighted area he can either click "unsafe" if it seems as an indicator of a phishing email or he can click "safe" if the item appears to impose no risk. The user has 3 lives per round and 1 minute to examine each content. A correct answer gives the user one point. He looses one life with an incorrect answer. Feedback will appear automatically after he selected the answer. All answers are also reported back to LUCY. The quiz can only be customized within the source code.
Example Configuration "Set a different time for the users to answer the questions"
There is the file static/js/config.js: {"nQuestions":11,"nAnswers":0,"nCorrAnswers":0,"nTime":0,"nPage":-1,"sPrefix":"q","nPages":7,"nQuestPages":5,"naPages":[-1], "nPageTime":61,"nCurrLimit":0,"nLives":3} The current setting is "nPageTime = 61". If you want it to be 2 minutes you need to set the value "nPageTime" to 121.
Here are a few screenshots: