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Company, Application, Data Security and Privacy

LUCYs Security & Privacy Policies

Organization of Risk & Information Security

Questions Response Comments
Is there a comprehensive, documented information security & privacy policy in place? yes Yes, "Management-Handbook-Security-Policy" and a GDPR Code of Conduct for LUCY Employees
Are the policies communicated to all individuals with access to IT systems or access to tenants data? yes Personal information, part of the employee contract, availability for everybody
Is there a comprehensive, documented information security concept including access management for your service in place? yes Tenant Model, Role Model and ACL in Place (Access control list)
Is a risk management process implemented dealing with the periodical identification, valuation of risks and the implementation of mitigation controls? yes It's in Management Handbook Security Policy. Each employee is encouraged to report risks. This applies in particular to IT and Cyber risks. A risk catalog is kept. At least once a year a risk assessment is carried out. The obligation is with the DPO / Chief Security and Risk Officer.
Is a periodic assessment conducted of how well the security policies and procedures are respected within the company? partially We have two roles DPO & CSRO (chief sec and risk officer). There's a regularity done by the CSRO himself. .

Allocation of information security responsibilities

Questions Response Comments
Do you have a dedicated person or team that is formally chartered with responsibility for information security? yes dpo at lucysecurity dot com

Allocation of IT risk management responsibilities

Questions Response Comments
Do you have a dedicated person or team that is formally chartered with responsibility for IT risk management? yes dpo at lucysecurity dot com

Security Audits

Questions Response Comments
Do you regularly conduct internal/external audits? Annually Internal Audit

Providers & external Suppliers

Physical Protection

Physical entry controls

Questions Response Comments
Is physical access to buildings that house critical IT facilities restricted to authorized individuals? yes Access to the building is possible with a fingerprint in addition to an RFID key card. Without it no access is not possible.

Policy for DC and IT System access

Questions Response Comments
Are policies and procedures implemented to specify proper use of and access to IT systems and network components. yes Access to Routers / Network components is only possible through a separate VPN network. Authentication on Firewalls / Routers is only possible through SSH-Key. All Logs are stored on a separate logging device, all configuration changes are monitored, saved and alerted. Physical Access is only possible for certified network admins.

Secure disposal or re-use of IT equipment

Questions Response Comments
Is a secure decommissioning process in place? (E.g. wiping data from old hard drives, secure deletion of network configurations from routers.) yes We don't apply secure deletion. When applying dedicated deletion orders it is done with an overwrite routine using shred (Linux Software).

Human Resources Security

Roles and responsibilities

Questions Response Comments
Are security roles and responsibilities of employees defined and documented? yes A member of the top management.

Security awareness of LUCY staff

Questions Response Comments
Is staff made aware of the key elements of information security and why it is needed (i.e. segregation of duties, need to know)? yes All staff that has any relation to the software code and our infrastructure (software engineers, QA engineers, support engineers, system admins, etc) pass internal information security courses.
Are service administrators properly educated on their responsibilities with regard to security? yes All employees are getting an internal lesson on cybersecurity and passing security courses that include basic vulnerabilities overview, penetration technologies, mitigation methods, etc. It is an internal training based on the one-to-one introduction and a combination of Webinars / Practical Laboratory courses using Kali Linux.

Security Policies for LUCY staff

LUCY employees must agree to the policy at the time they start work on the following topics:

  1. Responsibility in safe data handling
  2. Secure Traveling
  3. Reporting Security Incidents
  4. Workplace conduct
  5. Use of email and awareness against cyber risks
  6. Internet use
  7. Using passwords
  8. Data Classification
  9. Protection from social engineering
  10. Social Networking
  11. Virus protection
  12. Hardware and software measures
  13. Violation of protective measures and reporting obligation

Identity and Access Management


Questions Response Comments
Which method is used to authenticate a user against the provided service (user ID/password, OTP, SMS, etc.). yes Username & Password and we use SMS-based one-time passwords.

Access control policy

Questions Response Comments
Is the access to the service and data restricted to authorized individuals and based on an established access control policy? yes Physical access is protected with a fingerprint in addition to an RFID key card and the keys of the rack. "Virtual" access via SSH-Keys. No written policy for that and not mandatory for a company of this size.
Do access control arrangements restrict access to only approved system capabilities? yes Physical access is protected with a fingerprint in addition to an RFID key card and the keys of the rack. "Virtual" access via SSH-Keys. No written policy for that and not mandatory for a company of this size.

Data access

Questions Response Comments
Is a Data Loss Prevention System in use? Who has the ability to accesses tenant data? no NO DLP System is in place and no alerting system is used at LUCYs promises

Data integrity

Questions Response Comments
Are controls implemented to confirm that customer data has not been improperly altered or destroyed yes NO DLP System is in place and no alerting system is used at LUCYs promises

Password policy

Questions Response Comments
Will the allocation of passwords be controlled through a formal password policy process? partially When choosing passwords they need to have more than 8 characters and they must be a mix of capital/lower letters, numbers and special characters. If there is a possibility for two-factor authentication (2FA), then 2FA should be applied.

User registration & management

Questions Response Comments
Is there a formal user registration and de-registration procedure in place for granting and revoking access to all systems and services and to tenants data? yes An engineer may obtain access to a single tenants data only in case there is a need for maintenance, based on tenants request. An engineer sends a request to the systems admin or to the tenants responsible person (there is an option to grant access from the tenant's side). The permission is immediately revoked after the maintenance is finished. The permissions are granted and revoked within a few minutes.
Is a user management process in place (creation, revocation, provisioning, and termination of rights, etc.)? yes After contract termination the LUCY Server Instance is safely reset. This is a built-in and secure feature in LUCY Server.

Session time-out

Questions Response Comments
Do inactive end-user sessions shut down after a defined period of inactivity? yes The end-user session terminates after 1 hour of inactivity

Vulnerability Reporting and Management


Questions Response Comments
Do you have an easy way for externals to report security vulnerabilities in your systems? yes Write a mail to or . Every employee needs to react as stated in the GDPR code of contact

Information about inappropriate access

Questions Response Comments
Will you share user entitlement remediation and certification reports with your tenants, if inappropriate access may have been allowed to tenant data? yes With a dedicated form, within 72 hours after discovery

Notification of customers

Questions Response Comments
Do you inform your customers about vulnerabilities in your products once you had a chance to address them, regardless of whether they were discovered internally, or reported to you? yes with a dedicated form and a direct mailing put in place already

Vulnerability Rating

Our vulnerabilities are rated based on CVSS standard (

Operations Management and Security Controls

Separation of development, test and operational facilities

Questions Response Comments
Are development, test and operational facilities separated from each other to reduce the risk of unauthorized access or change to the operational environment. yes Operational facilities are completely separated.

Network hardening

Questions Response Comments
Is hardening for Firewalls and Routers performed? yes On all routers and firewalls, management access is only possible via VPN. There are separate users for monitoring and configuration. All configuration changes are automatically reported and saved. In general, all firewalls and routers only run SSH for management access and otherwise only the necessary routing processes such as BGP, OSPF or just the firewall software.

Operating system hardening

Questions Response Comments
Is an operating system hardening performed for all systems involved? yes OS is protected by internal firewall (iptables), SSH access keys are randomly generated, removed USB/firewire drivers, the app runs under a limited user account, etc.

Application Server hardening

Questions Response Comments
Is hardening performed for all relevant application server? yes App servers are hardened using common approaches: proper file permissions, non-privileged account, removed version banner, disabled directory indexes, disabled ETags, secure cookie flags, etc. The system partially conforms to "CIS Debian 8" checklist (50% conformance), we can provide a detailed list of non-conforming items upon request.

Database hardening

Questions Response Comments
Is hardening performed for all relevant database management systems? yes Only local connections are allowed and the system partially conforms to "CIS PostgreSQL 9.5" checklist (50% conformance), we can provide a detailed list of non-conforming items upon request.

Security Updates

Questions Response Comments
Is a process in place to install emergency patches outside of the regular patching schedule for security updates that address high-risk vulnerabilities? yes Critical and high-risk patches are issued within 24 hours, medium - up to 1 week, low-risk - up to 1 month

Vulnerability management

Questions Response Comments
Do you regularly perform penetration tests on all systems relevant to your service? yes We use various web application vulnerability scanners and OS security auditing tools (Burp Suite, OpenVAS, Lynis, Nessus). Even though we've done our own human-based penetration tests in the past we do not perform human-based penetration assessment on a regular basis.
How often are penetration tests done for the above scope (on average)? yes LUCY software is not a classic SaaS Plattform or Software. We do not perform penetration tests on client production instances. We release new Major updates of the software every 1-2 months, the software is mostly distributed as a virtual appliance (VMWare ESXi or Amazon image) and the process of automated penetration testing is tied to the release process - we perform such testing on the final stage of the release lifecycle. The set of application versions and software configurations of the version we are going to roll out exactly corresponds to the state of all systems after they migrate to the new version. For example, we are preparing version 5.0 for release and run penetration tests against it, within a virtual appliance. After all tests passed and all vulnerabilities are closed, we release the update, which is distributed over all existing software installations on different servers. All existing installations switch their state (install all required packages, remove old ones, change configuration, etc) to the state of the new version automatically, so all vulnerabilities closed on the pre-release stage will be closed on all tenants servers automatically. We never change anything on tenants servers directly.
On what standards does LUCY perform Penetration tests? Yes OSSTMM

Security incident detection and correlation

Questions Response Comments
Does your infrastructure include a capability for security incident detection e.g. file integrity (host) and network intrusion detection (IDS) tools? partially These tools are used on infrastructure servers. Workstation installations do not have file integrity or IDS tools installed.

Protection of data storage media

Questions Response Comments
Is tenets data held on data storage media (including magnetic tapes, disks, printed results, and stationery) protected against corruption, loss or disclosure? yes Tenants data is entirely stored on a disk on the server, and the only measure against data loss we perform _by default_ is a local daily database backup, which can help to prevent minor data loss. As an additional measure, we can set up RAID0 or RAID5 array, which can add an additional layer of protection against data loss or corruption. There is no access to other storage media from the server. The information in DB is encrypted using AES-256 (so it's stored int he encrypted form) and the key is built into the application, so there's minimal protection from data disclosure.

Malware/ Defacement

Questions Response Comments
Are controls in place to protect the service and our tenants from malware? yes Infrastructure servers have anti-malware software installed.

Security gateways

Questions Response Comments
Is network traffic routed through security gateways like web application firewalls or reverse proxies, prior to being allowed access to target service? partially WAFs and reverse proxies are used on infrastructure servers, though that is not the case on workstation installations.

Data encryption

Questions Response Comments
Do you encrypt tenant data in storage and server side? yes Data is encrypted using AES-256. The application server gets data over HTTP/TLSv1.2+ connection and operates the data in cleartext form. The information is encrypted by the application before storing it into the DB, so the DB engine receives the information in an encrypted form (and therefore stores it to the storage media). The application decrypts the information from the DB before processing it. There are no other types of encryption beyond these.

Network encryption

Questions Response Comments
Do you encrypt tenant data in transit (network - e.g. TLS)? yes The system uses TLSv1.2+

Logging & Monitoring

Questions Response Comments
Are a process and audit trails in place to monitor and record exceptions and other security-relevant events to assist in investigations and in access control monitoring? yes All actions are monitored and logged in order to help investigating any incidents.

Service Development

Data input and output validation

Questions Response Comments
Do you provide secure software development training to your engineers, that teaches them about common threats and countermeasures related to the software they are writing? yes Software engineers are trained to avoid OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities identify any existing vulnerabilities and mitigate them during the software development.

Use of productive Data for test purpose

Questions Response Comments
Will you use tenant data for testing purposes? no Using of tenant data is prohibited in test and development environments

Data input and output validation

Questions Response Comments
Are data input and output integrity routines (i.e., reconciliation and edit checks) implemented for application interfaces and databases to prevent manual or systematic processing errors or corruption of data? yes Built-in validations in the application

Business Continuity Management

Plans and procedures

Questions Response Comments
Has the provider a defined and documented method for coping with a business continuity situation? yes There is a Business Continuity Plan

Plans and procedures

Questions Response Comments
Has the provider implemented, tested and documented a set of procedures and actions for a contingency situation? yes There are tested and documented procedures for a contingency situations

Data and production recovery

Questions Response Comments
Is the data security ensured by redundant systems? no The software has not mission criticality for the business

Crisis management

Questions Response Comments
Does the provider have an emergency and crisis management with defined contact people? yes It's in LUCYs Management Handbook Security Policy.

GDPR Agreement

Please download our GDPR agreement here

Auftragsdatenverarbeitungsvertrag (German)

Please download our Auftragsdatenverarbeitungsvertrag here

company_application_and_data_security.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/27 09:55 by editor6