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The following table contains the complete list of API End Points supported by LUCY. Every endpoint corresponds to some system resource or action.

A dedicated article regarding the LUCY REST API.

More detailed documentation for the API usage can be found here.

End Point HTTP Verb Description
1 /api/auth POST Client authentication
2 /api/languages GET Get a list of languages
3 /api/clients GET Get a list of clients
4 /api/clients PUT Create a client
5 /api/clients/:id GET Get client
6 /api/clients/:id POST Save client
7 /api/clients/:id DELETE Delete client
8 /api/recipient-groups GET Get a list of recipient groups
9 /api/recipient-groups POST Create a recipient group
10 /api/recipient-groups/:id GET Get recipient group
11 /api/recipient-groups/:id POST Save recipient group
12 /api/recipient-groups/:id DELETE Save recipient group
13 /api/recipient-groups/:id/recipients GET Get a list of recipients in group
14 /api/recipient-groups/:id/recipients PUT Create a recipient
15 /api/recipients/:id GET Get recipient
16 /api/recipients/:id POST Save recipient
17 /api/recipients/:id DELETE Delete recipient
18 /api/recipient-custom-fields GET Get a list of recipient custom fields
19 /api/recipient-custom-fields PUT Create a recipient custom field
20 /api/recipient-custom-fields/:id GET Get recipient custom fields
21 /api/recipient-custom-fields/:id POST Save recipient custom field
22 /api/recipient-custom-fields/:id DELETE Delete recipient custom field
23 /api/scenario-templates GET Get a list of scenario templates
24 /api/scenario-templates/:id GET Get scenario template
25 /api/scenario-templates/:id DELETE Delete scenario template
26 /api/awareness-templates GET Get a list of awareness templates
27 /api/awareness-templates/:id GET Get awareness template
28 /api/awareness-templates/:id DELETE Delete awareness template
29 /api/attachment-templates GET Get a list of attachment templates
30 /api/attachment-templates/:id GET Get attachment template
31 /api/attachment-templates/:id DELETE Delete attachment template
32 /api/report-templates GET Get a list of report templates
33 /api/report-templates/:id GET Get report template
34 /api/campaigns/templates GET Get a list of campaign templates
35 /api/campaigns GET Get a list of campaigns
36 /api/campaigns PUT Create a campaign
37 /api/campaigns/:id GET Get campaign
38 /api/campaigns/:id POST Save campaign
39 /api/campaigns/:id DELETE Delete campaign
40 /api/campaigns/:id/recipient-groups GET Get a list of recipient groups in campaign
41 /api/campaigns/:id/recipient-groups PUT Add a recipient group to a campaign (recipients will be added to all scenarios in campaign)
42 /api/campaigns/:id/recipient-groups/:recipient_group_id DELETE Delete recipient group from campaign
43 /api/campaigns/:id/status POST Change campaign status. This endpoint is intended to run, stop or restart a campaign; therefore it supports only POST request and only three statuses
44 /api/campaigns/:id/copy POST Copy a campaign with all scenarios
45 /api/campaigns/:id/stats GET Get campaign statistics
46 /api/campaigns/:id/report POST Create a campaign report
47 /api/campaigns/:id/errors GET Get campaign errors
48 /api/campaigns/:id/victims GET Get campaign victims
49 /api/campaigns/victims/:victim_id/re-send/:message_type POST Resend email for the specified victim and message type
50 /api/campaigns/:id/scenarios GET Get a list of scenarios in campaign
51 /api/campaigns/:id/scenarios PUT Create scenario in campaign
52 /api/campaigns/:id/awareness GET Get a list of awareness in campaign
53 /api/campaigns/:id/awareness PUT Create awareness in campaign
54 /api/campaign-custom-fields GET Get a list of campaign custom fields
55 /api/campaign-custom-fields PUT Create a campaign custom field
56 /api/campaign-custom-fields/:id GET Get campaign custom fields
57 /api/campaign-custom-fields/:id POST Save campaign custom field
58 /api/campaign-custom-fields/:id DELETE Delete campaign custom field
59 /api/scenarios/:id GET Get scenario
60 /api/scenarios/:id POST Save scenario
61 /api/scenarios/:id DELETE Delete scenario from campaign
62 /api/scenarios/:id/recipient-groups GET Get a list of recipient groups in scenario
63 /api/scenarios/:id/recipient-groups PUT Add a recipient group to a scenario
64 /api/scenarios/:id/recipient-groups/:recipient_group_id DELETE Delete recipient group from a scenario
65 /api/scenarios/:id/victims GET Get scenario victims
66 /api/incidents GET Get a list of phishing incident reports
67 /api/incidents/:id GET Get incident
68 /api/incidents/:id DELETE Delete incident
69 /api/export/generate POST Export campaign data
70 /api/awareness-certificates/generate POST Request a certificate for victims
71 /api/awareness-certificates/:id GET Check awareness certificate status
72 /api/awareness-certificates/download/:id GET Download the archive with awareness certificates
73 /api/benchmarks GET Get a list of benchmarks
74 /api/benchmarks PUT Create a benchmark
75 /api/benchmarks/:id GET Get benchmark
76 /api/benchmarks/:id POST Save benchmark
77 /api/benchmarks/:id DELETE Delete benchmark
78 /api/domains GET Get a list of domains
79 /api/domains PUT Create a domain
80 /api/domains DELETE Delete domain
81 /api/export/:id GET Get an Export for the specified ID

api_end_points.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/07 12:03 by lucysecurity