Table of Contents

Where to Find the Update?

The Update feature can be found under "Settings/Update".

How do I know about updates?

LUCY will inform you on the dashboard if new updates are available:

How to Perform an Update?

LUCY can be updated in two ways:

Where can you start the update process?

LUCY can be updated through the web console:

IF LUCY is able to connect to the internet, it will automatically tell you, if a newer version is available. If there is a newer version out there, but LUCY shows you n/a in the Update field, please make sure that:

Note: Even the smallest Commercial Edition (100 User License with Max 50 campaigns for $50 USD) gives you full access to the Update feature.

Which servers/protocols are used during the update?

In order for the update to work, LUCY needs to be able to connect to the internet via HTTP to our Update server.In LUCY versions < 2.3, we need to be able to communicate with certain Debian repositories via FTP/HTTP.

Does the Update also include the operating system?

Yes. When clicking the Update button all updates for the application, Apache, database and the underlying operating system are done. Prior to version 2.3, LUCY needs to communicate with certain DEBIAN repositories in order to do that. In v 2.4 and higher, LUCY will compile all updates including the DEBIAN files from a centralized DEBIAN mirror operated on our LUCY Update server.

Will the update affect a running campaign?

The update will not affect data from previous campaigns, but an update should never be done while there is an active campaign running.

Do you need to restart the server after an update?

Usually not. Although we have experienced in the past, a few cases where a restart of the server solved some minor issues after an update. LUCY can be restarted within the python based Setup Menu.

Does LUCY need an internet connection to be able to update?

Only if there is an internet connection, can LUCY check for new updates. However, in the case that you are running LUCY in an environment with no internet connection, you are able to get an update file from us directly. This update file can then be uploaded to your LUCY server.

What update types are available for the community edition?

There are two type of updates:
