===== Import a webpage ===== You can upload your own webpage by clicking the "Upload webpage" button on a Landing Page template. The screenshot below shows how to upload a webpage to a phishing campaign. {{ :upload_webpage_ph.png?600 |}} The screenshot below shows how to upload a webpage to an awareness campaign. {{ :upload_webpage_aw.png?600 |}} The web page should be archived in a zip file. All HTML files should be placed into the root folder. The archive can contain external files and resources - they should be placed either into the same folder as HTML files, or into a sub-folder. Useful File Names: * index.html — Main file of the template, the entry point of your Landing Page. * account.html — The page user sees after a successful login. If your page contains a login form, its action should be set to "?login", so all password-capturing mechanisms will work properly. **Note:** If you upload a site that is not W3C conform it won't be saved. {{::test_upload.zip|Here}} is a simple example of an archive file that gives you an idea of how the webpage can be saved in order to work for the upload. ===== Import an Email ===== You can upload an Email template within the message template section. The screenshot below shows how to upload a message template to a phishing campaign. {{ :upload_email_ph.png?600 |}} Tips: you can also just copy the content of an HTML Email and paste it into the visual editor