====== Users ====== Every user in the Screener has the same access rights. \\ A user can be configured on the backend, via the [[screener_first_time_configuration_script|Configuration Script]] or in the Web UI. \\ ===== Add User in the Web UI ===== 1. Open the Screener Web UI. \\ 2. Go to Settings -> Users. \\ {{ :add_scr_user.png?600 |}} 3. Click the +Add button. {{ :add.png?600 |}} \\ 4. Set up the: * Login - To log into the Web UI. * Email - To receive notifications from the tool. * Timezone - For the users convinience. * Password - To log into the Web UI. As soon as done, press the "Save" button. ===== Delete User in the Web UI ===== Simply use the cross icon near a user that you would like to remove. {{ :delete_user_screener.png?600 |}}