===== Installation technical procedure ===== **Where to place LUCY?** You can setup LUCY on premise or in the cloud. See more in [[network_design_-_where_to_setup_lucy|this article]]. If you use LUCY in the cloud, you can have a [[advantage_of_using_our_vps|VPS or dedicated system from us for free]]. **Prepare Hardware** Please make sure you have the hardware ready with sufficient disk space (>100 GB) and memory (>4 GB). More details here: https://wiki.thrivedx.com/doku.php?id=hardware. **Download Software** If you have decided to do an on premise installation you will first need to download LUCY from our webpage. Please choose one of our installers or images: * **Virtual Box**: http://download.phishing-server.com/dl/lucy-latest/virtualbox.zip * **Linux Installer**: http://download.phishing-server.com/dl/lucy-latest/install.sh * **ESX/ESXi**: http://download.phishing-server.com/dl/lucy-latest/esxi.ova * **Vmware Image**: http://download.phishing-server.com/dl/lucy-latest/vmware.zip * **Amazon**: http://wiki.thrivedx.com/doku.php?id=installing_lucy_in_amazon If you require a different format (e.g. ovf), search for the according converter (e.g. search for "convert ova to ovf"). All downloads are automatically treated as a community edition. **Installation** Once downloaded, please install LUCY according to the download type: * [[Installing LUCY on LINUX]] * [[Installing LUCY in Virtualbox]] * [[Installing LUCY in Vmware]] * [[Installing LUCY in Amazon]] * [[installing_lucy_on_windows|Installing LUCY on Windows]] * [[converting_vmware_to_hyperv|Converting LUCY from VMware ESX to Hyper-V]] As soon as the installation is finished, the [[setup_script_tutorial|automatic setup script]] should start. {{ 97.jpg?600 }} **Permit access** Make sure that the [[network_communication_-_lucy_--_internet|necessary ports]] from and to LUCY are opened. **Login** [[lucy_weblogin|Login]] to LUCY with the Webbrowser using the IP address of your server. Continue the setup in the browser using the credentials provided in the setup script. If you want to use a domain for your administration UI, Connect to your LUCY instance with the root or phishing account. If you connect as root, please execute the command python /opt/phishing/current/tools/setup/setup.py (if you have a docker based installation, execute: docker exec -it lucy /bin/bash and then press enter and execute python /opt/phishing/current/tools/setup/setup.py). Within the setup script menu please choose menu item "domain configuration" and set the domain for your admin UI here. **Download License:** Please send us the workstation ID (http://wiki.thrivedx.com/doku.php?id=how_to_activate_lucy&s[]=#where_to_find_the_workstation_id). **Mail setup** Define your **[[mail_delivery_methods_in_lucy|default mail delivery method]]** in LUCY. In case you use the build in mail server: set the [[set_hostname_for_smtp_communication|hostname]] for the mail server. **Domain Setup** Setup a [[domain_configuration|domain]] in LUCY. This domain can be used for phishing simulations (landing pages) or the elearning portal. **SSL Setup** Create a [[ssl_configuration|trusted certificate]] for the administration of LUCY. **User management (administrators)** Create all the required administrators [[user_management|users]] in LUCY. **Updating** [[download_templates|Download]] all of the latest templates. [[update_lucy|Update]] LUCY to the latest version **Hardening** Consider implementing additional [[security_considerations|security layers]] **Advanced Settings** Set the time zone, proxy and other [[advanced_settings|advanced settings]] **White Label** Give LUCY a [[white_label_lucy_-_custom_branding|custom branding]] **LDAP/SSO** In case you want to [[add_mail_recipients|import your recipients]] via [[ldap_integration|LDAP]] or allow them authenticate via [[sso_authentication|SSO]], you can configure this is LUCY in the according menus. **Test campaign** Once you are all set you can try to setup your first campaign [[create_your_first_phishing_campaign|using the setup wizard.]] As an alternative use the [[expert_mode_campaign_creation|expert setup mode]]. If emails don't get through: please white list LUCY or [[avoid_spam_issues|prevent issues with the spam filter ]]