===== 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) ===== 2-factor authentication in Lucy is based on [[https://authy.com|Authy]] service, which allows you to login to the system using a security token obtained via the mobile application or via SMS message. In order to set up 2FA for your Lucy, you will need to go through a few simple steps: - Obtain an API key - Configure Lucy to use the API key - Setup 2FA for all users ===== Obtain an API Key ===== You may either use our pre-configured API key or set up your own key. We **strongly** recommend to obtain your own API key for production setups, as using the pre-configured key will share your Lucy login information (emails, phone numbers and time of the login) with our Authy account. More than likely this is not what you need. **By default Lucy has no 2FA API key configured and doesn't send any login information outside.** ==== Use Pre-configured Key (NOT RECOMMENDED) ==== In order if you are running a test system and just want to check how 2FA works, you may use our test API key: ''ROnCZuDlRyPYa9Cys0L1q4x08hIIN06m'' (just copy it and proceed to "Configure Lucy" section below) ==== Generate Your Own Key ==== * Create a new account on Twilio (free of charge): [[https://www.twilio.com/try-twilio]] * Login to Authy dashboard: [[https://dashboard.authy.com/signin]] * In the dashboard press "Authy"->"Applications"->"Get Started" {{ get_started.png?600 }} * Press "Verify your phone number", enter your phone number to recieve a verification code, then enter it to get your number validated. {{ phone_number.png?600 }} * Set the application name (i.e. Lucy) in "Friendly name" column and hit "Create Application". {{ create_application.png?600 }} * Add your first user email and phone number. {{ first_user.png?600 }} * Select "App Token", then enter generated token number from "Authy" app on your phone. {{ app_token.png?600 }} {{ token.png?600 }} *Choose your created application, {{ application.png?600 }} * go to "Settings", press an eye icon at "Production API KEY" and the system will show you your unique API key. {{ api_key.png?600 }} *Copy this API key - you will need to paste it into Lucy ===== Configure Lucy ===== At this step, you should already have an API key. Open Lucy interface and go to "System" → "Advanced Settings" in the main menu and paste your API key into "2FA" field, then hit "Save". {{ :2fa:2fa-4.png?600 }} Now you're all set and can configure 2FA for your account. ===== Setup 2FA for user accounts ===== All users in the system should configure 2FA for them on their own (as it sends SMS to their phone). In order to do so, each user should: - Go to the "Account" page - Enter their phone in the corresponding fields - Hit "Save" - Press "Configure 2FA" and follow instructions on the screen {{ :2fa:2fa-5.png?600 }} A user will be logged out after configuring 2FA and the system will ask a 2FA token during the next login. In order to obtain a 2FA token, you may either use Authy mobile application or request a token via SMS.